Are resume writing services worth it?

You may assume that I would say yes in a heartbeat because I run Resume Rescue… However, I honestly think it depends on your time commitment and urgency.

⏰ If you’re willing to put in the time and effort to go through the entire process, then resume services might not be for you.

These are the steps (and suggested times) that I recommend if you want to take a crack at writing a solid resume on your own:

  1. Do your research and go through my many free resources and tips *see below* (1 hour)
  2. Find a good ATS friendly template and examples to refer to (30 mins)
  3. Rewrite your entire resume and tailor it to a job posting (1-3 hours)
  4. Ask 1-2 other people for feedback (10-20 mins)
  5. Edit your resume based on feedback (30 mins)
  6. Submit your resume through an ATS scanner (5 mins)
  7. Edit your resume to make it more ATS friendly (25 mins)
  8. Submit it and ask the job hunting gods for good luck 🙏🏻

I personally enjoy this process and find it fun (LOL) which is why I enjoy helping people improve their resumes. However, others simply hate it and think resume writing is painful and torturous (if that’s you then see below 👇🏼)

✅ If you want to get it done right ASAP without too much time investment up-front, then consider a resume writing service.

If you don’t have the time, energy, and interest to commit to the steps above, then you’re probably going to end up with a half-ass resume that doesn’t fully showcase your potential. This means hurting your chances of landing job interviews and wasting time trying to figure out what’s wrong, applying for more jobs, and getting rejected—over and over again. Job hunting can be a draining process, and you may rather spend your time preparing for the interviews instead.

Oftentimes, people go through Resume Rescue because they haven’t seen too much success with the current versions of their resumes and want a second opinion. My feedback and suggestions are based on years of resume writing experience and from talking to hiring managers and recruiters. Plus, I always find something that can be improved! Out of the 185+ resumes that I’ve reviewed, I can only recall a handful that barely had any areas of improvement.

🎈 How Resume Rescue works

If you’re a student or someone who cannot afford resume writing services yet, then you can choose my Par Package which is free if you agree to let me do a live review of your resume on TikTok for learning purposes (all personal details will be anonymized with placeholders, see an example at After receiving my feedback, you would still need to go in and make all of the edits yourself.

If you’re someone who wants a completely new resume rewritten by yours truly 💁🏻‍♀️ then you can choose one of my premium packages (Prep, Pro, or Prime) which give you a more hands-on approach and 1on1 time with me to answer all of your burning questions about resumes and job hunting. You will end up with a brand new resume that is based on all of my best practices and recommendations. As part of my special process, you’ll also go through a unique exercise that will help you prep for future interviews (killing two birds with one stone) 🙌

Resume Resources