20+ Self Reflection Questions to Figure Out Your Career
Self reflection is a helpful way to celebrate how far you’ve come and plan for what’s next. It’s a good idea to pause and reflect every once in a while… quarterly, semi-annually, or annually (at the very least). This exercise can also be helpful in moments when you are thinking about making a big move.
For those of you who don’t know how to get started, here are some great self reflection questions that I’ve collected throughout the years:
Reflect & rethink
1. How do you feel about where you are in life and career?
2. What do you want to be known for vs. how would others describe you?
3. What are the top 3 achievements that you’re most proud of?
4. What are your superpowers (things you’re really great at)?
5. What are you not as a good at? How can you improve in these areas to become more well rounded?
6. What does a great day at work look like? How can you get more of these days?
7. What does a bad day at work look like? How can you prevent these from happening?
8. What do you care about at work (e.g. recognition, flexibility, WLB, advancement, compensation, fulfillment)?
Job vs. Career
9. What does a job mean to you?
10. What does a career mean to you?
11. What kind of job or career do you want vs. don’t want?
Now vs. Next
12. What is non-negotiable for your next job or company?
13. What kind of company do you want to work for?
14. What scares you? Can overcoming these fears open up new opportunities?
Personal vs. Professional
15. How would you ideally want to balance your personal vs. professional life?
16. What are your current priorities in your personal vs. professional life? Why are these important to you?
17. What do you think could be your future priorities? How can you prepare for them?
Passion vs. Paycheck
18. What do you enjoy doing at work?
19. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
20. Would you compromise fulfillment for a bigger paycheck? Why or why not?
Best of luck!
Hope this helps you as you head into the new year, which is right around the corner.
Here are some more career resources to help you (full page of content here):
- Making the Move Series (people who transitioned into tech from non-traditional backgrounds)
- 32 Learnings from 32 Years at Microsoft with Adrienne Hall
- Hybrid Work-Life: 6 Ways to Improve Your Health, Time and Energy When You WFH
- Microsoft invested in me before I even joined the company. This is my crazy story about fate and opportunity.
- How to Manage Critical Changes in Your Career
- Listen to my podcast episode!
- Top 10 Takeaways from “Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers”
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