Microsoft 365 Fundamentals MS-900 Study Resources

This month, I decided to tackle an area that I was more familiar with. Thank you to those who shared resources and best practices to study for the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals MS-900 exam.

Here is my collection of public resources that I used to study and pass (excluding internal employee resources):

Exam Topics100+ practice questions (Note: some questions don’t show up properly so you will need to click on the Discussion button)
O’Reilly Video Series with Brette BossickBite sized video lessons that touch on all of the core concepts for MS-900 exam modules
Pluralsight MS-900 Learning Path3 modules with bite sized videos taught by Vlad Catrinescu
M365 Fundamentals Learning PathMix of text and video lessons that cover all of the core concepts for the MS-900 exam modules + knowledge check questions
LinkedIn Learning4 modules with concept overviews (Note: I personally did not finish the entire learning path but decided to share anyways)

Feel free to comment below if you have any other resources to share. Best of luck in your studying and fundamentals certification!