Dynamics 365 Fundamentals MB-901 Study Resources

Following up to my AZ-900 and MS-900 certifications, I decided to tackle Dynamics next! Thank you to those who shared any tips, resources, and best practices to study for the Dynamics 365 Fundamentals MB-901 exam.

Here is my collection of public resources that I used to study and pass (excluding internal employee resources):

Exam Topics60+ practice questions that are really helpful
O’Reilly Video Series with Skylines AcademyBite sized video lessons that touch on all of the core concepts for MB-901 exam modules
D365 Fundamentals Learning PathMix of text and video lessons that cover all of the core concepts for the MS-900 exam modules + knowledge check questions

Feel free to comment below if you have any other resources to share. Best of luck in your studying and fundamentals certification!