Day 1: Join Me for the 100 Day Challenge – 50 Daily Habits You Can Start Today

If you’re reading this, I am formally inviting you to join me on the 100 Day Challenge! The goal is to start a new practice and do it consistently for 100 days in a row.

Don’t think you can do it all? It’s okay if you just get started. Since many of us didn’t do anything last summer, this is your chance to try something new!

Lets get started - | Make a Meme
Here’s a list of 50 challenges that you can choose to do everyday:
  1. Read 1 chapter of a book
  2. Get up 1 hour earlier
  3. Write a blog post
  4. Start and grow a YouTube channel
  5. Start and grow a Podcast
  6. Post on LinkedIn
  7. Workout for 1 hour
  8. Eat 1 healthy meal
  9. Follow a diet
  10. Go on a walk (or take 10K steps)
  11. Spend uninterrupted time with family
  12. Make time for your partner
  13. Do yoga every morning
  14. Start up a new sport or hobby
  15. Journal or draw
  16. Meditate for 10 minutes
  17. Learn a new topic (e.g. finance, nutrition, coding, etc…)
  18. Stop smoking
  19. Train for a marathon
  20. Practice for a competition
  21. Learn a new language
  22. Clean your room or house (find something to throw out, sell, or donate)
  23. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for
  24. Save up for a vacation or big purchase
  25. Meal prep
  26. Track your expenses
  27. Take a nap
  28. Eat a healthy breakfast
  29. Check 1 item off your to-do list
  30. Talk to a friend for 10 minutes
  31. Count your calories
  32. Drink 8 cups of water
  33. Take a cold shower
  34. Wake up at the same time every morning
  35. Stop drinking caffeine
  36. Hug someone
  37. Try a new recipe
  38. Stop eating junk food
  39. Drink green tea
  40. Get 8 hours of sleep
  41. Stop eating after 7PM
  42. Read a news article
  43. Catch up with a friend or meet someone new
  44. Play Chess
  45. Learn how to draw
  46. Garden
  47. Play the piano
  48. Practice self defense
  49. Fix your posture
  50. Go for a bike ride
Which one of these are you going to start today?
let the challenge begin!!