7 Green Flags that Hiring Managers Look For In Successful CandidatesAll, Job HuntingXJune 20, 2023Earlier this spring, I had the pleasure of speaking with a senior marketing executive at
50 Resume Tips to Land Your Next JobAll, Job HuntingXMay 30, 2023For those of you who have been following me on LinkedIn, you may be aware
Focus on These 3 Things If You’re Job Hunting This SummerAll, Job HuntingXMay 11, 2023It’s a crazily competitive landscape out there, but that doesn’t mean you should give up
3 Unique Ways to Find Your Next Job (Part 2)All, Job Hunting, ResourcesXMay 1, 2023Job hunting can be a painful process. I get it. Hitting that “Apply” button isn’t
20 Resume Tips You Should Never Forget100 Day Challenge, All, Job HuntingXApril 25, 2023For those of you who have been following me on LinkedIn, you may be aware
3 Unique Ways to Find Your Next Job (Part 1)Advice, All, Job HuntingXApril 7, 2023Job hunting can be a painful process. I get it. Hitting that “Apply” button isn’t
Resume Revamp: Strategies to StandoutAll, Job Hunting, Resources, WebinarsXMarch 30, 2023On Mar 25, 2023, I had the opportunity to run a Resume Workshop with Xue
What is a Career Walking Deck?All, Career Walking Decks, Job HuntingXMarch 19, 2023In today’s competitive job market, it’s not enough to have a well-written resume and cover